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Wednesday, June 10, 2020



Yesterday, something strange happened on my Facebook wall.   My "most liberal" and "most conservative" friends BOTH posted the above image and corresponding article.   I scratched my head in confusion, giggled a little, but the incident kept running though my mind.  The more I thought about it, the more I think it is a reflection of something bigger; the power of words and perceptions. It inspired me to do my own 'imagining'  Will you join me?

Imagine if we chose our words more carefully:

  • Imagine if we used the pronoun I more to express feelings, thoughts, and actions and the word you to express affirmation more than condemnation.
  • Imagine if we used the pronoun we more to identify ourselves in the problems AND solutions.  
  • Imagine if we used the pronoun they less as a label.
  • Imagine if we used the words should have, could have, and would have to incite learning more and to assign blame less.  What if we used those words toward ourselves first and foremost since we can only truly change ourselves and from those changes, collective changes can take place. 
  • Imagine if used fewer absolutes like never and always when referring to people and their actions.   
  • Imagine if we conveyed our thoughts and feelings and reasons for them if possible when we can and leave less open to interpretation.  For example, using I statements such as  I feel _____ when____because ______and I would like _______.  Another way to do this is to use language similar to what Brene Brown teaches with the phrase, "The story I'm telling myself is....."   To echo Brene Brown once again, clear is kind. 
  • Imagine if we used a plethora of adjectives and adverbs when affirming, but used them sparingly when we disagree with someone.  

Imagine if we shifted our perceptions:

  • Imagine if we were quick to listen to another person, even if, and maybe especially if, their point of view was different from our own.  But as we listen, imagine if we listen to understand, not reply. Imagine if in these conversations we were slow to speak and slow to become angry.
  • Imagine if we understand that we all have a bias based on our our experiences and beliefs.  What if we acknowledged those biases and didn't throw the proverbial baby out with the bathwater because someone's bias was different than ours.  Instead, what if we look for the common ground and build from these places. 
  • Imagine if every time we interacted with another person we did so with the objective to learn and grow from that interaction instead of prove our point.  
  • Imagine if we stopped and thought about what battle we were really fighting. Ephesians 6:12 says, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."  The battles are good vs. evil, but they often manifest as: 

    • trust vs. fear
    • mercy vs. vengence
    • love vs. hate 
    • grace vs. condemnation 
    • forgiveness vs. unforgiveness
    • knowledge vs. ignorance 
    • An infinate amount of other manifestations
  • Imagine if we approached people knowing we are all on our own walk through this life and this means that we all have different experiences (nurture) and make up (nature). That means we are all as unique as our fingerprints.  Our job is not to all be alike, but to use our diversity for good.  
  • Imagine if we accepted people where they are in their journey, not necessarily condoning where they are, but not necessarily condemning them either.   That doesn't mean we just say we can all do whatever, but acknowledging that somone can't do more than they know.  They can't show what they don't understand.  They can't solve problems they don't know exist.   However, when we know better, let us do better, but let us forgive ourselves and others for not knowing or doing better sooner.  
  • Imagine if we understood and accepted that life and learning is messy.  Mistakes are an integral part of the process, but we choose how to use what we learn from those mistakes and it is in those choices where change happens and learning takes place.  
  • Imagine if we acknowledged that none of us on this crazy planet are all good or bad, right or wrong, or any other absolutes.   We live in the place between those absolutes.  

To quote, John Lennon, "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one." I dare say we can all think of people who had dreams thoughout history and in our own lives;  and when they acted on those dreams change happened.  But a dream without action is pointless.   

Sometimes actions seems small, but are really big and vice versa.   One action we can all take is to be mindful of what we think and say/write.   We won't be perfect,  but perfection isn't the goal on this planet, growth is.  Will you join me?  Imagine... and do... until we have to imagine no more.  

I Can Only Imagine by Mercy Me 

Thursday, January 2, 2020

A Portrait of a Real Man

Miles below the surface others dare not go.
But you go.
Many see the danger and shy away. 
You don't
You have counted the cost and deemed it a worthy cause.
A risk you want to take.
You dig where others dare not dig and get your hands dirty, callosed even.
You see the value of what you seek and you don't stop until you unearth it.  Not just for you, but for the ones who dare not tread where you go.  Even for those who have no idea of the task that lay before you and the risks you take.  The cost you pay is great.
Sometimes soot coats your entire being and it's hard to separate you from the trail you bring with you.
Still, in spite of the dust that coats your skin, you radiate light and love.
You, are a portrait of a real man and I am forever grateful I am your girl.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

20/20 Vision

As a new decade roars into the history books, many tweets and posts accompany it playing off the numbers 2020.   Emma from Friends turns 18 this year, Maddog 20/20 claims it is their year, and Barbara Walters utters her famous words, "This is 2020."   One can't help but think of 2020 without vision coming to mind regardless of how cliche it is! 

Most of us have vision of some sort, but is it 20/20?  Too often mine can be fuzzy and I can barely make out the images.  Like the blind man who Jesus healed in Mark 8.  "I see people, but they look like trees walking around."  Anxiety and fear create shadows and I am certain I am going to plumet to my death if I take the next step.   My vision can be more 20/100. 

Jesus doesn't want me, or you, to stay there though.  He wants to give us 20/20 vision.  Clarity.   He did it for the man in Mark 8.  When the man saw the trees, Jesus put his loving hands on the eyes of the man and restored his vision and the man saw things clearly.  Like Jesus healed the man's vision in stages, God doesn't always make everything perfectly clear all at once because He does want us to walk in faith.  The closer we get to the image the clearer it becomes.   

Dr. King said, "Faith is taking the first step, even when you don't see the whole staircase."  This year, may you keep taking the next step regardless of how much of the staircase you see because you see clearly the One who is holding our hand the entire path and it is a path He created and if He created it then it is good.


For so many of us things are murky.  Anxiety and fear robs us of clarity.   Hurt and anger steal the vision you have for us.  This year, God, I beg you to give clarity to your children.  I ask for clear hearts and clear minds and clear visions.  Let us trust in you the author and perfector of our faith and trust in the vision you reveal to us- not just for what you are doing, but in who you are are, and the plans you have for our lives.  Let us draw nearer to you to see you clearer and rest in your kindness, goodness, love, joy, peace, patience, and holiness.  Let us see your mission for us clearly and see you clearly as you walk with us.  Let us see clearly the lies of the evil one and the warfare that surrounds us and see clearly the legion of angels you have towering over the lies and fighting on our behalf.   Show us Lord your way! 

In Jesus Name,